Ferric Nitrate Solution is a clear, reddish brown liquid solution that is produced using the highest quality raw materials.
Ferric Nitrate Solution is a convenient and effective way to provide nutrients to plants. This product contains 10% iron, which is an essential nutrient for plants, 43% ferric nitrate and 7.5% nitrate nitrogen. It can be utilized to prevent or correct iron nutrient deficiencies in crops.
Ferric Nitrate is a solution of iron in water that provides a source of soluble iron to crops. It can help correct and prevent iron deficiencies in crops, increase photosynthesis and help improve overall plant health and vigor. Specially formulated for foliar use with better delivery rates than iron chelates or soluble gypsum iron sulfate products, Ferric Nitrate solution is specially formulated for use with drip or micro-irrigation, or spray irrigation systems.